Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is a kind of housing specifically designed to meet the requirements of individuals with severe functional limitations or higher levels of disability support needs. These specially designed homes make it easier for people with disabilities to access various supports and to live independently. The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides SDA funding for eligible participants. Providers enlist homes with the NDIS that adhere to the rules and specifications laid down for Specialised Disability Accommodation residences and the participant’s SDA funding will cover the cost of that structure. But the participants will still need to pay rent and take care of their personal expenses to live there.
SDA is one of the many home and living options available under the NDIS. It is primarily designed for participants with extreme functional impairments and significantly higher disability support needs. SDA homes will not only improve the functional capacity of those participants but also works well with their other disability supports. When determining whether you qualify for specialist disability accommodation, the NDIS will consider the variety of disability support and services that you need and how they will work together. The NDIS will fund specialised disability housing only if it is a better alternative for your support requirements than other supports alone. Participants can access SDA homes if it meets all the NDIS funding criteria such as being value for money, minimising the impact of disability in participants’ daily lives and helping them pursue their goals.
Aussie Life Care is a registered NDIS service provider that can help you access SDA homes that will make daily living easier and more convenient for you. Our SDA homes are equipped with all the modern amenities and situated in aesthetically pleasing locations. Contact us today to know more.
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